Hey guys!!
So I’ve been extra busy and couldn’t update the part two of my previous blog
School took my time so sorry 🥺with corona virus pandemic...I hope we’re all safe 😘

Friendship isn’t “rosy” all the time and the sooner we acknowledge that fact the better.
In life it is totally okay to lose friends, make new ones and also rekindle some.

Why is it okay to lose friends?
Will be the question following this statement
In my own opinion and view I feel it’s because change is constant
And we can’t control everything that happens around us fully

Things will definitely play out naturally
People often hold on to some friendships or relationships for the wrong reasons
Reasons that’ll not make people see them in another light
But it’s highly unnecessary

Some friends are really not your friends (To be honest)
Some are friends with you for what they can get (this is said a lot of times but it’s true)
Some people are often the listeners and their friends do the talking
People never take time to ask them
“What is really up with you”?
“Are you good”?

There is something a friend of mine says
“In your squad there’s another squad you do not belong to”
Painful but true.
This can often stir up jealousy amongst friends
Which is clearly not meant to be
Once this is noticed just “move”

In just few months I’ve lost friends, rekindled old friendships🥰 and drifted from some
Not because of any reason in particular but because of some irreconcilable differences as I’d love to call it .

One thing I always tell people is before you let something go, try your best to keep it and if it doesn’t stay then maybe it just isn’t meant to be there . I believe this strongly.

Sooo, if you’re having any issue whatsoever in any friendship or relationship today, speak to that person and try but if it’s not working out maybe nature has actually played out.

Thank you🦋

P.s In this period of Corona virus I urge everyone who’ll read this to legit stay safe and indoors. Do the necessary so the earlier this can be curbed the better.


  1. This is so true. You are a great writer ☺

  2. Guy this thing touched my heart like this ehnnn😭❤❤❤❤

  3. This is absolutely the truth, some friendship are meant to teach you some life lessons, that will make you a better person, once that is done, the friendship is over and you move.
    Losing friends can be painful but it is all part of Life.

    Welldone Doubra🥂❤

  4. She used to be my adviser

  5. This is amazing!!! I see some of the things I told u in our last conversation here too ❤️

  6. Hey. Your piece is quiet amazing no doubt. It’s a good one keep it up. However I wanted to point something out to you, that phrase “In your squad there is another squad you don’t belong to” No t’s the mind of most teenagers these days. Before people are privileged to be called a squad that means everything they do they do together no matter the condition or situation. This means it doesn’t necessarily mean distance or relationship or likes and dislikes. If you belong to a squad like you say and you there is another squad in you don’t belong too with the same set of people that means they were never really your squad. Take best friends for instance no matter how many you are for you to call those people your best friends is the kind of relationship you have with the person. If you just have one Best-friend that’s great. There’s say three is a crowd but then if you are proud to call three or more people your best friends I see no reason why one person will be more close to the other more than the rest people. I can’t write everything down in the comment section. You can reach me through my email. I believe there are things I can learn from you and things you can learn from me as well. I’m not a motivational speaker by the way. Just love to help young people. This also go for your viewers. Y’all can contact me

  7. So I'd like to ask what I can I have a friend and we were really close but all of a sudden she picked interest in another person but still doesn't want to lose me as her friend but most times it's like she's not telling me things, she tells her other friend and yet expects me to tell her things. Do you think I should still go on with this type of friendship


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